Posts in Uncategorized
Client Success Story - How Derrick brought his peak performance while avoiding injury

Derrick is a soldier and I helped him prepare for a brutal 5 day competition in the Florida heat.

This competition involved the ACFT, stress shooting, land navigation, sleeping in the field, and an 18 mile ruck march to finish things off.

He was a pretty fit guy when I met him, but he had some nagging hip and back issues (as many soldiers do) and needed to drastically improve his cardiovascular fitness. He was also concerned about nutrition to fuel him properly throughout the week.

He knew a lot about fitness. We needed to put the pieces together into one program that could address everything – power, speed, strength, endurance, and durability, all while staying healthy and injury free.

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UncategorizedMJT Training
Client Success Story - Kate Passed Her PT Test By Training LESS

My client Kate had applied to a federal agency but had failed her PT test several times. She came to me to get her ready for her last shot.

She struggled with her short distance running. She had plenty of endurance for longer distances, but found her legs DYING about 2/3 of the way through her shorter run.

In addition, her sit-ups were borderline. She had some back and tailbone pain and honestly just didn’t like doing them.

We prepped for a couple of months and she went back and blew her previous score out of the water and passed, finally landing the opportunity to train for her dream job.

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UncategorizedMJT Training
Client Success Story - John Lost Fat Without Meal Prepping

My client John is a busy guy with no control over his schedule.

He travels for work and rarely has control over what food he has access to. He has to make do with pizza, subs, and burgers from whatever catering company is providing food for his events.

When we first started working together, he felt like crap and remembered a time several years ago when he wasn’t traveling for work and was able to follow a strict meal plan and workout schedule. He felt great then and was leaner and stronger.

He had no idea if he’d be able to lose fat while not being able to follow a meal plan or make his own food like he did before.

I told him there are many ways to lose fat without counting every macro or prepping all his food.

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UncategorizedMJT Training