One secret question to help you stick to those resolutions.

One secret question that will help you stick to those resolutions this time

Have you tried over and over to improve your health, but keep falling into the same old traps?

Have you just wished you could tough it out or beat yourself up over your lack of discipline?

Have you tried the same diets over and over and think you’re hopeless?

You aren’t hopeless, you aren’t undisciplined, and you aren’t a bad person. You just need a different approach.

Here’s the question – “how is that working for you?” Or, “how has that worked (or not worked) before?”

Simple, right? But it gets at the heart of the issue: if a certain approach to fitness isn’t working for you, YOU NEED A DIFFERENT APPROACH.

You don’t need more willpower. Gritting your teeth through everything isn’t any way to live a life.

There is no one size fits all program. There is no magic diet. There really aren’t too many rules at all. That’s not the hard part. The hard part is finding a WAY TO CHANGE that works for you.

A way that makes you feel good instead of constantly guilty and struggling.

A way that you can have in your toolbox for the rest of your life, not just January 2022.

A way that turns dieting on its head and focuses on what you do well and what you enjoy, how to nourish your body instead of starve, and how to get off the dieting merry-go-round and make results stick forever.

If what you’ve tried over and over isn’t working, dig into why. Then instead of doing the same thing over again and probably failing, try a new way.

I’m here when you’re ready.

If you’re looking for a fitness trainer in the Mt Juliet/Hermitage/Nashville TN area, online fitness training, or just need some advice to get your fitness program started, contact me

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