3 Simple Tips for Busy Dads to Stay in Shape

3 simple tips for busy dads to stay in shape

Block out time for health.

I’m up most days at 4-4:30am (including weekends) because I prioritize my family, my business, and my own well-being. This is not to brag, this is to show that my actions are in line with my priorities. There’s no reason the same can’t be said about you.

For you, this may mean getting up early, staying up late, or using 5 spare minutes wisely. 10 minutes of bodyweight exercises and mobility work in your living room is infinitely better than spending that same timing scrolling.

Convenience, not perfection.

You may not have time to drive to the fully equipped gym across town. That’s fine. In this season of life you may need to let go of “optimal” and embrace “practical.” Choose workouts that are efficient, effective, and convenient. Consider starting a home gym. I’ve been accumulating equipment since I was 14 years old and have a good setup, which I value immensely. But even a pull-up bar and some bands will allow you to work hard and get in shape.

Health, not performance.

Pick exercises that make your joints feel good. Don’t train like you did in high school. You may need to ease back into things or take a break from pushing your body.

Bonus tip ­- lead from the front.

Raise your expectations of yourself.

Leaders don’t make excuses, blame others, or pity themselves.

Leaders don’t expect things to be done for them. Leaders serve.

Leaders don’t allow minor frustrations to get the best of them.

Leaders let circumstances determine their attitude.

Be the leader for your family that you know you can be.


Pick one from each category and make a meal. It isn’t pretty or ideal but it works great to keep hunger and bay and keep your body fueled when life is crazy.

If you’re looking for a fitness trainer in the Mt Juliet/Hermitage/Nashville TN area, online fitness training, or just need some advice to get your fitness program started, contact me

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