It’s not your fault you struggle to have willpower. We ALL struggle with this. We’re all human.

It’s not your fault you struggle to have willpower. We ALL struggle with this. We’re all human.

I used to think willpower was a finite resource. I used to think we only have so much, and once it’s gone for the day, it’s gone. Older research supports this view.

Recent research has given us a slightly different picture. Turns out, willpower is a finite resource ONLY IF WE BELIEVE IT IS. Weird, right?

If we believe willpower can be developed and improved, we can do exactly that.

Willpower is like a muscle – it gets tired. But it’s also like a muscle in that the more we use it, the stronger it gets.

The trick is to exercise your willpower in ways that you can succeed at and that will make it stronger.

You don’t walk into a gym on day one and try to bench press 405 pounds. You start light, with what you can handle, and let the muscles adapt and get stronger.

In the same way, try exercising your willpower in small ways. You’ll succeed, building self-confidence and more willpower that you can use for more difficult things in the future.

If you’re looking for a fitness trainer in the Mt Juliet/Hermitage/Nashville TN area, online fitness training, or just need some advice to get your fitness program started, contact me