You don't have to let food control your life

You don’t have to let food control your life.

Do you find yourself constantly thinking about food?

Do you compulsively track every bite that you eat, only to lose control when you’re out with friends and feel guilty?

Do you eat to the point you’re completely stuffed without even realizing it, then have all kinds of digestive issues?

Do you overall just feel like garbage but can’t figure out why?

All these issues might require radically different solutions, but a good first step to taking back control of your eating is a simple awareness journal.

Consider starting a note on your phone and just writing down what you eat, and more importantly, HOW YOU FEEL before and after each meal for a few days.

By “how you feel,” I mean both physically and mentally.

If you struggle with cravings, feeling like you’re out of control, or mindless eating to the point of being sick, zero in on your hunger and emotions. These things affect our eating in subtle but substantial ways, and writing things down can help bring some awareness. You might notice patterns that you can explore more.

If you feel bloated or have digestive issues, zero in on what foods you eat immediately before these times and see if you can notice any connections. Stress levels can also affect digestion, so bring some awareness there too. You may need to eliminate certain foods, eat more of other foods, and/or change the way you eat.

Awareness is the first step when trying to solve a problem. Without it, you’re just blindly guessing and won’t get anywhere.

When you take a step back and notice what’s happening in your brain and in your body, you’ll regain control.

If you’re looking for a fitness trainer in the Mt Juliet/Hermitage/Nashville TN area, online fitness training, or just need some advice to get your fitness program started, contact me

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