How to Warm Up for Serious Training

Note: this is an expanded excerpt from my 10-8 training programs

Warm-ups are very individual, and I’m not a big believer in extended non-specific warmups with a bunch of weird mobility exercises for every imaginable movement pattern. We’re training to be strong, athletic, and anti-fragile. If you start thinking you need 15 mobility exercises before you can train, we’ve got a problem. For more of my thoughts on mobility work, read this.

Your warm-up should be tailored to whatever movements you’re doing that day. For example, for a strength workout, start with easier movements in the progression toward what you’re doing. Do bodyweight squats and squats with the bar to warm up for front or back squats. Push-ups to warm up for bench press, etc. Do a few easy sets until you feel warm, then slowly work up in weight using low reps until your first work set.

Here’s a sample warm-up for someone who’s first set of the day is 6 reps at 225lbs.

Arm Circles/Push-ups

Bar x 15

135lbs x 5

185lbs x 5

205lbs x 2-3

225lbs x 6 (first work set)

To warm up for conditioning, 5-10 minutes of low intensity activity should be enough, followed by basic dynamic stretching for hamstrings, calves, quads, and hips. For very intense workouts involving plyometrics or sprints, make sure you are very warm, and work up to putting maximal effort into each rep. Do some practice reps before you start the workout. NEVER sprint or jump cold. And if you don’t have a recent history of running or sprinting, consider doing your interval training on a bike, rower, or air bike. There’s no reason you can’t work up to sprinting, but be smart and don’t get hurt.

Here’s a sample general dynamic warm-up to prepare you for high intensity conditioning. This should be followed by a specific warm-up, usually just your chosen activity done at an easy intensity for 5-10 minutes.

Arm Circles - 15 reps forward/back

Leg Swings - 10 reps forward/back

Ankle Circles - 15 reps each way

Quad Stretch - 10 reps per side

Cradle Walk - 10 reps per side

Squat to Stand - 8 reps

Lateral Lunge - 6 reps per side

Jumping Jacks – 25 reps

If you’re looking for a fitness trainer in the Mt Juliet/Hermitage/Nashville TN area, online fitness training, or just need some advice to get your fitness program started, contact me