New to Fitness? Start Here

So in case you can't tell, I like to write. I post about 2x per week on my blog, and if you've got health goals and are starting a new fitness routine I've got a list of reading for you. I wanted to put all of these resources in one place for simplicity and to make it easy to know how to get started.

Read these in order and you should be well on your way. I cover goal setting, where you should invest most of your effort, and what popular advice you should ignore. I'm sure you know someone else with health goals too; share this list with them!

If I don't cover something you're interested in, ask! If I don't have answer I'll find someone who does.

 Why Goal Setting Usually Fails

Start Conquering Any Goal

Conquer Any Goal Pt. 2

6 Fatal Fat Loss Errors

7 Keys for Fat Loss Training That Works

Strength Training for Beginners

Why Clean Eating is Awful for Fat Loss

Why Keto May Not Be The Best Diet For You

I have two free strength programs you can download. Check them out here!

Make 2019 your best year for fitness yet. If you’re looking for a fitness trainer in the Mt Juliet/Hermitage/Nashville TN area, online fitness training, or just need some advice to get your fitness program started, contact me

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