Why Hybrid Fitness Coaching is the Optimal Way to Get the Most Out of Your Fitness Program

I used to charge by the session doing one-on-one personal training, just like everyone else. I sold session packages and built programs around how many sessions per week each client could afford. Some clients decided to also work out on their own, some didn’t. I only worried about the face-to-face time I had with them. Budget and schedule came first, not the program itself.

The traditional one-on-one personal training model is flawed. Many gyms have implemented a semi-private or group training model. That’s a huge improvement, but it still has its drawbacks. Online training has absolutely exploded in the last several years and is a great option, but also has a few flaws, like lack of any face-to-face technique instruction. There’s a better option still.

The “hybrid” fitness coaching that I offer brings together online and semi-private coaching and gives you the best of both worlds.

You aren’t always limited by your trainer’s schedule. Many people can’t always keep consistent appointments at the same times every week. Even worse, if something comes up and you’re forced to miss an appointment, you lose both your money AND the progress you’d make from that workout. With the hybrid model, you have access to your entire program at all times and you can complete certain workouts whenever is most convenient for your schedule, regardless of the trainer’s availability. In my business, in-person workouts with me are reserved for more technical exercises, tough workouts where you need an extra push, or to introduce new methods.

It’s budget friendly. Your goals may require you to train 3-5x per week, but you probably don’t have the budget to fork over $65-100 five times per week for traditional one-on-one training. Your overall progress may suffer just because of your budget. That isn’t fair to you and isn’t usually necessary. With hybrid training (at least the way I do it), your expense can be lowered because you aren’t paying for an hour of your trainer’s time every workout. You’re paying a flat rate that includes both your in-person sessions and your workouts on your own. You may only see your trainer twice per week, but train 5x per week total, with the additional workouts fully integrated into your program. That’s a huge savings with no drawbacks.

Your workouts don’t have to last for a set period of time. You needs and goals should dictate your workouts, not pre-determined time blocks. With traditional one-on-one training, you get your half-hour or hour and that’s it. What if you can only afford half-hour sessions but your strength training takes longer? Or what you’re new to the gym and your workouts only take 40 minutes, but you’re paying for an hour? Neither is ideal. With the hybrid model, the program comes first. Shorter or longer workouts can be assigned as needed and as your schedule allows. It’s completely individualized to YOU, not arbitrary time blocks.

The longer you wait to start moving toward your goals, the less likely you are to succeed. If you’re looking for a fitness trainer in the Mt Juliet/Hermitage/Nashville TN area, online fitness training, or just need some advice to get your fitness program started, contact me